• Soutenez HTMlles 10
  • The HTMlles 10 Team

  • Josée Brouillard | Technician

    Yves Chaput | Web Designer

    Michelle Dobrovolny | Blogger

    Geneviève Godin | Communications Coordinator

    Sophie Le-Phat Ho | Artistic Director

    Annie Rose Maarleveld | Artistic Director Assistant

    Katja Melzer | Production Assistant

    Candace Mooers | Production Coordinator

    Amy Novak | Graphic Designer

    Tracy Valcarcel Rodriguez | Technical Assistant

    Alice Tomaz de Carvalho | Blogger

    Sarah Eve Tousignant | Production Assistant

    Thien V. | Photograph

  • Programming Committee

  • Sofian Audry

    Nathalie Bachand

    Rebecca Duclos

    Geneviève Godin

    Nasrin Himada

    Nika Khanjani

    Sophie Le-Phat Ho

    Annie Rose Maarleveld

    Candace Mooers

    Valerie B. Walker

  • Studio XX Team

  • Kurth Bemis
    Technical Administrator

    Melanie Cuffey
    Administrative Coordinator

    Gwenaëlle Denis
    Development Officer and Communications Coordinator

    Martine Frossard
    Production Coordinator

    Ximena Holuigue
    Programming Coordinator

    Stéphanie Lagueux
    Matricules Archives Director and Webmistress

    Deborah VanSlet
    General Director

Volunteers are an essential part of the success of The HTMlles 10 ! If you are interested, please attend one (1) of the following three volunteer orientations:
-> Tuesday, October 30th, 6pm-7pm
-> Wednesday, November 1rst, 6pm-7pm
-> Sunday, November 4th, 1pm-2pm

We are seeking assistance in the following areas:
+ Promotion (flyer distribution, postering, etc.)
+ Exhibition installation and/or event set-up and tear-down
+ Transportation (vehicle required)
+ Working the door at festival events
+ Introducing artists at festival events
+ Whispered translation
+ Childcare
+ Bartending
+ Photo and video documentation

For more info, contact production ( at ) htmlles.nett

  • Accreditations

  • In order to apply for a press accreditation,
    please write to press at htmlles.net by
    by providing the following information:

    - Complete name

    - Contact details (email, postal address, phone numbers)

    - Media (name, short description,
    including URL if possible)

    - Festival event(s) you wish to cover

    Independent journalists can also apply for a press accreditation by contributing to The HTMlles 10 Festival Blog or through a blog post swap.

  • Contact person

  • Geneviève Godin

    Communications Coordinator

    press at htmlles.net

    514 845 7934

    4001 Berri, suite 201

    Montréal (QC) H2L 4H2